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The Firm has represented clients across the construction industry for decades. Many clients call upon us at the outset of a project to assist in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating design, construction, and consulting contracts. We provide advice on certain affirmative steps taken at the front end of a project that minimizes the likelihood that claims and disputes will arise later.
The Firm’s attorneys are dedicated to providing a Construction Law practice that is both diverse and dynamic. Our construction law attorneys provide effective advice on identifying, addressing, and resolving both one-time and reoccurring issues faced by any one of a myriad of participants involved in the construction process. Our knowledge and experience attract clients from the entire spectrum of the construction industry, including private and public owners, contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, architects, engineers, real estate developers, lending institutions, real estate investors, and others.
Our construction litigation lawyers have been involved in a wide variety of complicated construction claims and disputes and are often called upon during a project to assist as issues arise so that disputes can be avoided if possible. Once disputes arise, our extensive experience in presenting, defending, negotiating, arbitrating, mediating, and trying complex construction issues —and the insight we have gained from that extensive experience—helps us to successfully defend our client’s interests.
Our litigation attorneys have extensive knowledge of the legal requirements under Chapter 558 of the Florida Statutes for construction defects. The construction defect process is an alternative method to resolve construction disputes provided by Florida law to reduce the need for litigation as well as to protect the rights of property owners. The legal requirements and procedures of construction defect cases are very detailed and precise. Statutory compliance failures by a homeowner or contractor can cause the waiver and loss of critical rights. The Firm’s litigation attorneys help guide clients through the legal requirements to ensure compliance with the law.
Construction defects can be caused by a variety of factors including material quality, design flaws, installation failures, and construction site operation and maintenance issues. Common construction defect claims involve driveway integrity failure, construction site elevation defects, roof wall, and slab deficiencies, site construction, site drainage, water penetration into buildings, structural failures, code shortcomings, roof leaks, window leaks, stucco failures, and structural degradation due to improper material selection and integration.
With three offices along Florida’s Atlantic coast, Rossway Swan serves clients throughout the Treasure Coast and Space Coast regions. To speak with one of our attorneys about your needs, please call (772) 231-4440 or request a consultation online today.
The Modern One Building
2101 Indian River Boulevard Suite 200
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Telephone: 772-231-4440
Facsimile: 772-231-4430
One Harbor Place
1901 South Harbor City Blvd. Suite 500
Melbourne, FL 32901
Telephone: 321-984-2700
Facsimile: 321-723-4092
Marina Lakes Professional Building*
4960 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 311
Miami, Florida 33155
Telephone: 305-443-5020
Facsimile: 305-441-9109
*By Appointment
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