Vero Beach, FL 772-231-4440

Melbourne, FL 321-984-2700

Miami, FL 305-443-5020

Business Succession Planning in Vero Beach, FL

Business & Corporate Law

Business Succession Planning

Rossway Swan’s attorneys have extensive experience in the creation of strategic succession plans for owners of privately-held businesses on the cusp of a generational change.  Our clients include traditionally operating businesses, entrepreneurial enterprises, family investment partnerships, and large family foundations. Our firm assists clients to effectively plan for succession events including when a senior-level partner or owner, retirement, incapacity, or death.

Our Business Succession Planning practice includes:

  • Developing tax-efficient strategies for transferring ownership and control through family generations;
  • Setting timetables for the development and training of successors;
  • Planning for harmonious transitions of the business either during the owner’s lifetime or at death; and
  • Assisting clients in the sale of an operating business and/or the conversion of an operating business into an investment-oriented family venture.

Proper succession planning is essential for closely-held businesses who have to plan for vital individuals departing the business while maintaining the business’s characteristics and success. The lawyers at Rossway Swan employ a multitude of strategies to help businesses survive through generations and beyond their founders. Some of the strategies employed by our attorneys include:

  • Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts or Unitrusts
  • Private Annuities
  • Self-Canceling Installment Notes
  • Family Limited Partnerships
  • Life Insurance Arrangements

With a full understanding that business succession planning is closely related to personal estate planning, the depth of our firm’s experience in both areas provides our clients the opportunity to comprehensively prepare for both the exit from their business and the management and transfer of their personal estate. Our attorneys provide clients the means to preserve their legacy and pass on family businesses and wealth to the next generation.