Home » Practice Areas » Estate, Probate, and Trusts » Estate Planning
Estate Planning is not exclusively for the wealthy or those of a particular age. A proactive and properly-drafted estate plan ensures the best protection of your autonomy during temporary or extended incapacity, control over the disposition of your property, the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, and reduces the difficulty of administering your affairs during incapacity or after your death. Estate Planning is one legal service that virtually everyone needs at some point in their life and is often a client’s first experience with a lawyer. The attorneys in Rossway Swan’s Trust and Estates practice group specialize in educating clients about their options and creating customized plans that account for the specific goals and concerns of each client.
Services included but not limited to:
With three offices along Florida’s Atlantic coast, Rossway Swan serves clients throughout the Treasure Coast and Space Coast regions. To speak with one of our attorneys about your estate planning needs, please call (772) 231-4440 or request a consultation online today.
The Modern One Building
2101 Indian River Boulevard Suite 200
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Telephone: 772-231-4440
Facsimile: 772-231-4430
One Harbor Place
1901 South Harbor City Blvd. Suite 500
Melbourne, FL 32901
Telephone: 321-984-2700
Facsimile: 321-723-4092
Marina Lakes Professional Building*
4960 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 311
Miami, Florida 33155
Telephone: 305-443-5020
Facsimile: 305-441-9109
*By Appointment
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